Quality standards

Holistic city experience

The charm of big cities lies in the variety of offers. Frankfurt am Main is also a place where change is constant. The city is a complex entity of art and culture, religion, nature and society, local and international business and politics, history and future planning. Moreover, Frankfurt does not only have attractive sights. The tours take you through the city without blinkers, through backyards, side streets and the “forgotten places”. Details can be better understood if you know the context, and presumed ugly shows its beauty when you take a closer look.

Regional culinary delights and quality

As a matter of course we focus on regional and seasonal products, if possible from sustainable agriculture. A particular concern is the preservation but also the revival of local products and traditions and their further development. Dining culture and the art of cooking range from food to go to banquets. The absence of “partner companies” or sponsoring guarantees independence; we only rely on quality for the selection of our tastings.

Expertise & quality control

All guided tours are conducted by certified tour guides, continuous training is a matter of course. All tours are based on several months to several years of research and are constantly subject to review, development and update. Due to our broad knowledge, we can point out connections between city life and world affairs, technical and social progress and urban development as well as urban social development.

Gentle urban tourism

Mass tourism can cause negative effects on the inhabitants and urban life. Therefore, we only offer private and public tours in small groups. The maximum number of participants for private tours is 25, in public tours 15, and in culinary tours 5 to 10, depending on the type of the tour. Busy or sensitive places are avoided if possible. We also do not use loudspeakers and audio-visual media.


Small groups allow us to address individual requirements also during the tour according to knowledge and interests of the guests. None of our tours is nailed down. In agreement with the client, the tours can be arranged individually and topics and places of special interest can be added.

Environmental aspects

As a rule, all tours are on foot or by bicycle (taxi), occasionally also by public transport. The starting and ending points are easily accessible by public transport.


All our tours can be adapted to guests with limited mobility, impaired sight or hearing. Caring persons can participate free of charge, costs for tastings or entrance fees are not included.

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